CS 222 Spring 2016

Refactoring Exercise

Due: July 24, Friday, 23:55 pm.

Language: Java


  • Check your file encoding. It should be UTF-8
  • Checkout the project RefactoringExercise_I from LMS
  • Commit your code to LMS
  • You can get feedback on your exercise if you submitted before the deadline

Assignment Explanation

We will do refactoring in this assignment. You will be given a code and refactor it as much as you can. You will be responsible for all the topics we have covered in class about clean code:

  • Names
  • Functions
  • Comments
  • Format
  • Code smells


To make the code work under Eclipse, please do the following (The code already works on command line).

  • Go to Window –> Preferences –> Java –> Compiler –> Error/Warnings.
  • Select Deprecated and Restricted API. Change it to warning.
  • Change forbidden and Discouraged Reference and change it to warning. (or as your need.)