CS 222 Spring 2016

Refactoring Challenge

Due: March 9, Wednesday, 10:30 am.

Language: Java


  • Check your file encoding. It should be UTF-8
  • Checkout the project inClass_refactoring from SVN to get started
  • Commit your code to SVN at the end of the class

Assignment Explanation

We will do refactoring in this assignment. You will be given a code and refactor it as much as you can. You will be responsible for all the topics we have covered in class about clean code:

  • Names
  • Functions
  • Comments
  • Format
  • Code smells


Read the code. I put an explanation comment at the beginning. Try to understand what each function does. Run the code and see the output. In a cycle refactor the code and run it to see if it still works as expected.

My advice to you:

  1. Renaming is the easiest start with renaming
  2. Focus on one method at a time. Keep you changes local as much as possible (i.e. Refactor only one method, even if it’s only renaming).
  3. Run the code frequently to see if the code is still works as expected
  4. Order your methods according to Format slides
  5. Make sure you have no redundant comments in the code
  6. Do not try to create classes or split the source code into two first. This is the last thing you should consider for this assignment.


  • Code Quality (25)
    • Names: 5
    • Comments: 3
    • Format: 7
    • Functions: 10


  • Submitting code that is not compiling: -10 points
  • Submitting code that is not runnning correctly: -10 points
  • Submitting code not with SVN: -5 points
  • Not being present in the class but submitting the assignment: -25 points